I was feeling a little low Sunday morning. (Nothing serious, just a mood.) I thought some Qigong outside would help.
So I headed to a favorite sport along the beautiful Chicago Lakefront.
The whole experience was so nice!
The power of Lake Michigan, the fresh breeze of the Lake, the trees and plants in late summer fullness. It all added a special sense of positive energy to the Qigong moves.
As I moved, my spirits lifted. I wanted to share the moment.
So I shot a short video to pass on to you.
The 10 minute practice includes two of my favorite moves from 8 Brocades Qigong.
The moves are called Lifting the Sky and Separating Heaven and Earth.
They're easy to follow. You'll gently move your whole body. You'll release tension and relax. You'll stimulate the natural movement of energy through your body.
And, if you feel like you need a lift this morning, this quick routine will help.
Give it a try!
If you find this video helpful, please like and comment on YouTube, and share on social media.
That helps spread the word about the powerful benefits of these practices.
Chris Cinnamon, JD, MS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Head Instructor
Author, Tai Chi for Knee Health
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