How to Relax Your Mouth and Jaw
The Wellness Path
Micropractice #2
The mouth and jaw is a complex and vitally important area of the body.
Think of all you do with the mouth and jaw— eat, drink, speak, at times breathe, express emotions. Lots going on in the mouth and jaw.
It's also an area where people tend to pack in tension.
Pursing the lips.
Clenching the jaw.
Grinding the teeth.
When that tension becomes chronic, it can contribute to dental problems, jaw dysfunction, and pain.
Plus, tension in and around the mouth and jaw adds tension throughout the head, including around the brain.
That can cause headaches, irritability, upset, and more.
So lots to be gained from Relaxing Your Mouth and Jaw.
It makes a perfect 5 minute Micropractice. You can drop it into your day almost anywhere.
In doing so, you'll support the health of this vital area. And lower the baseline level of tension in your entire body.
In the video below, I lead you through this Micropractice.
Give it a try!
I encourage you to experiment with dropping this Micropractice into your busy day. Five minutes here. Five minutes there.
Do this for a week.
Evaluate how you respond to it. Your body. Your mind. Your emotions.
I anticipate you'll find it becomes a powerful tool for releasing tension and stress in the mouth and jaw and for lowering tension in your entire nervous system.
To get started, click the video below and follow me.
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Plus, a quick favor—
If you find this Micropractice helpful, please like and comment on Youtube and share the video on your social media. Help spread the word!
Together, we can help thousands of people release baked-in tension, calm their minds, and settle their emotions. Helping to get them on the Wellness Path.
A project well worth undertaking, don't you think?
Take care,
Chris Cinnamon, JD, MS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Head Instructor
Author, Tai Chi for Knee Health