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The #1 Reason to Learn Qigong – A Chicago Tai Chi Student’s Experience

The #1 Reason to Learn Qigong

I want to share a story a student told me yesterday. Her story beautifully describes the #1 reason that any person who wants to improve their health should learn and practice Qigong (pronounced “chee – gung”).

A Chicago Tai Chi student’s experience with Qigong and back pain.

“Let me tell you what happened this weekend,” began the student, a woman in her sixties. She attends our Tai Chi and Qigong classes regularly, often with her husband.

She continued excitedly. “It was spring planting weekend for me. I set up all the balcony boxes and planters. It involves hours of lifting, getting up and down, bending, kneeling, you know, real physical work.”

“Every year I do this, I aggravate my back and end up with a lot of pain. In this past, I would take a bunch of ibuprofen, lie down on the floor, and wait for the medicine to hit before I could move.”

“But this year was different.”

“Instead of taking pills and being immobile, I decided to practice the Qigong sets you’ve taught us.”

“By the end of the second set, the pain was nearly gone,” she said with a big smile.

“I treated it myself with Qigong. No medicine, no lying stiff on the floor.  I’m really happy about that.”

Isn’t that amazing? Qigong gave this student a different choice in how to address her lower back pain. Instead of pills, she used gentle movement systems. And it worked!

To be clear, I am not suggesting Qigong is a replacement for medical care when necessary. And any person undertaking a new exercise program should check with their doctor first, especially of there is a history of cardiovascular disease or other conditions affecting movement.

But I am reporting on one student’s experience,an experience that certainly aligns with my experience and the experiences of millions of practitioners of Tai Chi and Qigong.

So the #1 Reason to Learn Qigong?

Qigong can help you heal your body, reduce pain, and maintain vibrant good health.

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Chris at Tribe 061815 (2)Chris Cinnamon
Head Instructor

Energy Arts Certified

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