Do you experience nagging knee pain or stiffness? I've got something special for you!
Check out my newest Tai Chi for Knee Health video.
I'll guide you through 2 simple exercises that can change the game for your knees. Just a few minutes of practice daily can start you on the path toward pain-free knees and put that spring back in your step!
These exercises are part of my Tai Chi for Knee Health System. Tai Chi for Knee Health has helped thousands of adults around the globe eliminate knee pain and enjoy moving again.
Exercise #1 Finding Your Sweet Spot
In the first exercise, I'll show you how the find the "Sweet Spot" in your knees. When you're on your Sweet Spot, the pressure in your knees is as even and balanced as you can get it.
By spending more and more time on your Sweet Spot, you'll reduce the concentration of force into parts of your knee that have arthritis, irritation, or injury. This reduces pain and promotes healing.
Exercise #2 Sweet Spot + Weight Shift
In the next exercise, I'll guide you on how to move and stay on your Sweet Spot. With knee pain, often we shift weight in ways that increase the pain. With this exercise, you'll learn how to shift weight pain-free.
Click the player below and check it out this short video.
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Chris Cinnamon, JD, MS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Author, Tai Chi for Knee Health and
Tai Chi for Balance