20 October 2022
What is Qigong?
Low-Impact Movements Promoting Vibrant Health
Today's Wellness Path Weekly [WPW] tees up a common question,
"What is Qigong?" (Pronounced "Chee-Gung".)
I shared my answer in a recent interview with the delightful Heather Russon, on her Brimming with Joy video series.
As I explain in the video, Qigong springs from ancient traditions in China, Tibet, India, and elsewhere. Those traditions, including branches of Chinese Medicine, hold that we have internal energy or "Qi" circulating in our bodies.
Qigong movements were developed to stimulate, balance, and improve the circulation of your internal energy, promoting healing and vibrant health.
In the video, you'll see examples of the smooth, graceful, low-impact Qigong movements I teach.
I also share way I love to practice and teach Qigong.
Click the player below for my answer to "What is Qigong?"
If you find this video helpful, please like and comment on YouTube, and share it with your friends.

Chris Cinnamon, JD, MS
Certified Exercise Physiologist
Head Instructor
Author, Tai Chi for Knee Health